
We welcome everyone who would like to join us in worship ......please do check our Weekly Sheet (front page link) for up to date details. 



Weekly Sung Eucharist at 10:15am.   
The Cathedral uses a modern language service  and our music is led by our Musical Director, James Campbell with the Cathedral Choir. 

Evensong ~ 3rd Sunday of every month at 5.15pm

This follows the Scottish Prayer Book, with sung canticles, hymns and a metrical psalm.


Fellowship @ 5 ~ 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month at 5pm

Informal worship in the Narthex (entry hall) with worship songs and discussions on passages of the Bible and our faith with food shared as part of our worship.



Wednesday Eucharist at 11am

Our Wednesday Eucharist uses the modern language service, has 2 hymns and is shorter for those who prefer or need a quieter time of worship. 

Thursday Morning Prayer at 10am (most weeks) in the Lady Chapel

Using the daily Morning Office of the SEC



At particular times of the year ~ Christmas and Easter, at Remembrance, Harvest and at other times of celebration or commemoration, St John's Cathedral offers special services. Please check our weekly sheet, facebook page, magazine and events pages for details of these. 


Although St John's does not have a Sunday School, we delight in sharing our worship with children and young people. For our younger members, we have a dedicated area with crafts and sheets that link to the theme of the service and toys for little ones. We hope that all will feel very welcome.


Our music is led by our Musical Director, James Campbell and the Cathedral Choir on Sundays, and by our Assisting Organist - George Cringles on Wednesdays. 

Members of the choir are drawn from amongst the worshipping community and lead us in our regular worship. They offer a wide range of choral music, through hymnody, service settings and anthems. Rehearsals are held weekly on Thursdays, if you would like to know more about the choir, or join them in singing, please contact James Campbell through our Contact Page.

Cathedral Director of Music :James Campbell GRSM, ARCO, ARCM, PGCE(MTC)

James studied at the Royal College of Music and after graduating, at the London University Institute of Education. He has fulfilled a career in teaching both organ and piano, and in directing choirs. During his teaching life, he was, for many years the Organist at Kings College in Taunton (in the south west of England) where in addition to teaching he accompanied the Chapel Choir in weekly worship and in tours to Cathedrals in the UK and abroad. 

He took on the role of Director of Music at the Cathedral in 2022 when our previous organist - Norman Nicholson retired.

The Organ in St John's Cathedral

The Organ by J Wood and Sons was installed in 1994 and provides a magificent foundation to our worship. 


PEDAL                                         GREAT

Contra Bourdon  32                      Open Diapason     8
Principal             16                     Chimney Flute       8
Bourdon             16                     Principal               4
Violone.              16                     Nason Flute          4
Octave                8                      Twelfth                 2 2/3
Flute                   8                      Fifteenth               2
Choral Bass         4                      Piccolo                  2
Trombone           16                     Sesquialtera          12.17 II
Schalmei             8                      Mixture                 19.22.26 III
                                                  Trumpet.               8

Great to Pedal                   

Swell to Pedal                              Swell to Great

Choir to Pedal                              Choir to Great

Great/Pedal Pistons Coupled


SWELL                                             CHOIR                                             
Quintadena         16                         Spitz Flute    8
Principal              8                          Principal       4
Gedackt               8                          Flute           4
Spitz Gamba        8                          Nazard         2 2/3
Voix Celeste         8                          Block Flute   2
Octave                 4                          Tierce          1 3/5
Flute                    4                          Dulzian        16
Fifteenth              2                          Crumhorn     8
Larigot                 1 1/3                    Tremulant 
Mixture       IV       Swell to Choir
Contra Fagotto     16                   
Trompette            8
Clarion                 4


6 thumb pistons for each manual. 6 toe pistons for pedals.

6 general pistons (thumb and toe). 8 coupler pistons.

Memory Capture System, A, B, and C.

Expression Pedals for Swell and for Choir.

MIDI and Playback facilities.

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